In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the demand from patients for virtual healthcare is increasing and many chiropractors are now treating their patients virtually. From information on which insurers are covering virtual consults for which types of services, to frequently asked questions and helpful links and articles - it’s all here. Our team of experts prepared a presentation to explain how to submit claims for virtual consultations with eClaims.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How should I submit claims for virtual services on eClaims?
The 7.SF.15 service code (Miscellaneous, brokerage service) should be used and your treatment cost should be added to this line.

How will payments for virtual consultations be made?
Payments for virtual consultations will be made in the same way as for regular consultations. Payment will be issued to the provider/clinic if selected in the "payable to" field in the claim form. 

Should virtual care sessions cost the same as regular sessions?
Providers should use their professional judgment with regards to the fees associated with the service and are expected to advise their patients (upfront) of all fees associated with services rendered virtually.

Will TELUS provide tele-practice consent forms?
No. Providers should develop the consent forms meeting requirements from their regulating body.

Can providers submit eClaims for virtual visits through 3rd party Practice Management Software?
Yes providers can submit eClaims through the TELUS Provider Portal and 3rd party software certified on eClaims.

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